Wednesday, October 29, 2008

emmasen 064


1) Cold day. Filled hot green tea in my Thermos and had it during class (hoped it's okay to do that!). Mother had wanted to buy me something when I first left home for further studies in 1996 at Monash U, Melbourne. I said I wanted a good vacuum flask. We went to Isetan Scotts and she got the best brand, a genuine Thermos. Can't really recall the price, but it was indicative of the brand being the best in town! That was in late 1995. Today, in 2008 - it is still hot! Thank ABBA for Mother's gift!

2) Commercial-Christmas is declaring her arrival with glittery things on the retail shelves. I thank ABBA that JESUS, the Reason-for-the-season, has "aredi and alwis" arrived in my heart! (I can't help but try on the velvety soft santerina cap)

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