Tuesday, April 28, 2009

emmasen 246

- 1st pix shows how plane tracks converge, diverge or cross.
- 2nd pix shows how seasons come and go, and daily dynamic changes.
- Today Ruth brought Sonja to experience London Eye.
- I have classes today so I stayed on campus.
- Just heard from a Singaporean friend in Netherlands - who hosted a visiting ex-colleague also from Singapore.
- My friend confided that she felt hurt when this ex-colleague remarked: Then you shouldn't have invited me to come to stay with you if you do not have these things ...
- 'these things' referred to certain sleeping linen that my friend was unable to provide because of certain practical and financial reasons.
- She also didn't have the heart to reply that it was her ex-colleague who first asked if she could stay with my friend to save costs. It was only after the request, that my friend said, yes, come.
- Anyway, being a Christian, she said she forgave what her ex-colleague uttered - and committed that conversation to God.
- Reminded me of how plane tracks of relationships converge, diverge and cross.
- And how seasons of friendship come and go, and the daily dynamic changes that can occur every moment.
- Yet, on top and above of everything, Father Abba is absolutely sovereign, amen.

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