Monday, January 26, 2009

emmasen 154

- Indeed, ABBA's grace in CHRIST JESUS is exceedingly, abundantly, above, all that I can ask or think (Eph 3:20)!!!!!
- On top of being invited to celebrate CNY (Chinese New Year) with a Singaporean in Netherlands, there is more in store!
- I thought it was a straight forward meal and greetings ...
... until Mary said she had bought a suckling pig and had a friend air-roast it!
... and, she said we'd be celebrating Reunion Lunch right on CNY eve!
... Reunion Lunch is hosted by her good friend, another Singaporean!
... So I met Jean and her family!
... Reunion Lunch includes yummy Steam Boat!
... and homemade pineapple tarts!

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