Tuesday, December 30, 2008

emmasen 125

- Made a day visit to Groningen, a town far, far north.
- Photos include Groningen University in which the present crown prince and Queen Beatrix's other children were schooled.
- Both St Martini and Der Aa-Kerk look like Catholic churches but are Protestant churches
- Northern part of Netherlands is predominantly Protestant, and the south, where I am in Tilburg, Catholic.
- Groninger Museum currently featuring works by J W Waterhouse - remember painting of Narcissus?
- The nursery Prinsenhoftuin, altho' flora is not in bloom, has a sun-dial - it showed 1pm whilst my watch showed 1:15pm - pretty accurate - considering there is man-made daylight saving.
- There's a big Grote Markt and a Fish Markt.
- Saw a Jewish synagogue.
- Thank ABBA for sunny fair weather altho' it was minus 3 in the morning and was about zero in the day, and by night it was minus 1.
- On the way back, stopped by Utrecht Central, another big town in north for dinner.
- If I had purchased regular return tickets, it would have been 42euros, but thank ABBA, I had purhased 4 10euros tickets (Sat and Sun only). I've one left, the other two used for my trip to Maastricht and The Hague.

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